Monday, March 2, 2020

This week and into next, I'll be posting links to individual songs on the new record, with their individual artwork (mostly by the fantastic  Zoi Graestonne), and a shallow dive into they lyrics and meanings.  

   We'll start with "Pictures of Ourselves".

It's a bit of a heavy one to start out with, despite the quick, light feel of the music.  Something I think about a lot is how we, as people, are starting to prefer our connections to be digital, rather than face-to-face, and in real time.  It's a subject that's been well covered and so I didn't want to beat it to death with my grumpy old man-ness.  

   I guess my point is just that if we came up for air a lot more often and actually engaged the people around us, we'd find that no one is really the caricature of themselves that we see through the screen.   To me, the imperfections you can't see through the screen are where all the beauty is. (See "Sad. Beautiful. True." from the Bad Marmot record for more of that).  

    Anyway, here I am, guilty of half the stuff I'm complaining about in the song.  Give the people you're with your full attention.  Do it for the experience, not for the picture.  The scenery is better than your phone.  People are way more interesting when they're not on video.  Your hand and your smile can make as much difference as your dollar.  Maybe more.  Call your friends on their birthday.  *John Prine taking over*. Blow up your TV.  Throw away your paper.  Move to the country.  Built you a home.  Plant a little garden.  Eat a lot of Peaches... you get the point.